Many times, we may not initially notice someone we love or are providing services to is struggling with vision loss. Especially as many causes of vision loss are gradual such as with eye conditions like cataracts or glaucoma.
Frequently we get caught up in the day-to-day way of life and often do not always notice the changes in how someone is completing a task, or that they might be asking for a little more assistance here or there in reading something or finding a lost object. Until there is an ah-ha moment for you or the individual you are working with. It may happen in an unfamiliar environment where they will encounter new challenges. Such as in a restaurant that has low light, and the individual cannot read the menu. Or when shopping you notice that they grabbed a different product than they desired because the packaging is similar to what they were looking for.
Observations are key in determining if someone may be starting to experience low or changing vision.

Common areas where we start noticing changes:

  • The person defers any writing task to a partner, friend, or staff.
  • The person asks another to read any printed text, such as menu selections or activity directions.
  • The person may bump into or step too close to furniture or another person or move less confidently through the environment.
  • The person may not recognize common items that are to be picked up, such as food in a cafeteria line or items in a craft project.
  • The person may not seem to recognize another person whom they know or may seem to ignore a familiar person who is physically near them.
  • Or there may be changes in a person’s level of involvement in activities you know they formerly enjoyed.

If any of these items are noticed it may be time to encourage the individual to see their Eye Care Professional. Individuals should have annual eye examinations to determine if there have been vision changes and to ensure eye health.

What is Outlook Enrichment?
Outlook Enrichment creates opportunities for people with vision loss to achieve personal and professional growth in an inclusive community.
Our goal is to help our neighbors living with vision loss and blindness live life independently, confidently engage in their communities, and continue to do the things they love.

We offer

  • Information and referral services
  • Independent living skills training sessions and educational opportunities
  • One-to-one or Support group sessions for individuals who are experiencing vision loss
  • Adaptive technology training
  • Mobile Device Training
  • Adaptive Sports and Leisure Programming

If you or someone you know is struggling with vision loss and is looking for answers and support. Please contact Outlook Enrichment. Our team is here to support your goals and assist in the vision loss journey.
If you’re in the Omaha, NE area, please visit the Outlook Enrichment site at or call 531.365.5051 for information about our programs and the many upcoming events.